I'm sure that some of you may be familiar with this story, but I'd like to take this opportunity to enlighten you with one of my favorite stories in the sports world - the story of former Celtic player Dave Cowens. Aside from the fact that I proudly wear my "Dave Cowens Basketball School" shirt any opportunity I can get (No, I didn't attend the camp; I think I picked it up off a roommate in my freshman year of college), we are talking about a great player here. This is a guy who was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame in 1991, and averaged 15 rebounds per game in his rookie year - and keep in mind he was only 6'9", which qualifies as "really damn short" for someone playing center in the NBA.
Aside from his athletic prowess, its what he did off the court which really piqued my interest. Example No. 1 - after the Boston Celtics beat the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1974 NBA Finals, Cowens decided to sleep on a park bench in Boston Common after a full night of partying. I realize it was the 70's so things were a bit different, but a park bench, Dave? Really?
Example No. 2 - In 1977, Cowens decided that he was "burnt out" with the sport of basketball, and announced that he was simply taking a leave of absence from the Boston Celtics. What did he decide to do when he wasn't playing basketball, you ask? Just what any other elite professional athlete would do with their free time - DRIVE A TAXI IN BOSTON. That's right - he became a cabbie. Can you imagine hailing a cab at 2 AM after a lengthy date with a few too many Miller High Lifes (nothing but the "champagne of beer" for this guy), hopping in, and hearing Kevin Garnett in the driver's seat ask you what exit to take off Storrow Drive?? Wouldn't you be a bit surprised in the least? This is essentially the best 2008 equivalent of what was happening back in 1977. In these times when most athletes believe they are keen entrepreneurs, (please pick up the rap cd's of Chris Webber, Kobe Bryant or Ron Artest if you don't know what I'm talking about), I just find this story absolutely hilarious.
Eveybody always talks about Bill Walton as being the epitome of the "free spirit" in the NBA - I mean, he definitely had his quirks about him - he rode a friggin bike to his games in college, was heralded for following around The Grateful Dead in the offseason, and was known to partake in a certain extracurricular activity which is perfectly legal......in Amsterdam. But why doesn't Dave Cowens get any attention?? Well, folks, put it on the record that I'm behind "The Cow."
Aside from his athletic prowess, its what he did off the court which really piqued my interest. Example No. 1 - after the Boston Celtics beat the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1974 NBA Finals, Cowens decided to sleep on a park bench in Boston Common after a full night of partying. I realize it was the 70's so things were a bit different, but a park bench, Dave? Really?
Example No. 2 - In 1977, Cowens decided that he was "burnt out" with the sport of basketball, and announced that he was simply taking a leave of absence from the Boston Celtics. What did he decide to do when he wasn't playing basketball, you ask? Just what any other elite professional athlete would do with their free time - DRIVE A TAXI IN BOSTON. That's right - he became a cabbie. Can you imagine hailing a cab at 2 AM after a lengthy date with a few too many Miller High Lifes (nothing but the "champagne of beer" for this guy), hopping in, and hearing Kevin Garnett in the driver's seat ask you what exit to take off Storrow Drive?? Wouldn't you be a bit surprised in the least? This is essentially the best 2008 equivalent of what was happening back in 1977. In these times when most athletes believe they are keen entrepreneurs, (please pick up the rap cd's of Chris Webber, Kobe Bryant or Ron Artest if you don't know what I'm talking about), I just find this story absolutely hilarious.
Eveybody always talks about Bill Walton as being the epitome of the "free spirit" in the NBA - I mean, he definitely had his quirks about him - he rode a friggin bike to his games in college, was heralded for following around The Grateful Dead in the offseason, and was known to partake in a certain extracurricular activity which is perfectly legal......in Amsterdam. But why doesn't Dave Cowens get any attention?? Well, folks, put it on the record that I'm behind "The Cow."
Those are some short shorts.
Haha, hilarious! Sounds like he parties enough to be a squash player
Finally a posting I can relate to. There's nothing better than a hard chargin' Celtic. Go green!
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