Anyways, got a chance to watch this week's episode of The Gauntlet tonight. As always (with my "track record" being only one previous entry on show, but who's counting?), here are my thoughts on this week's show in no order of importance:
- I don't wanna steal any thunder from The Sports Guy, but honestly guys, how many times are you gonna use "trim the fat" as a Gauntlet strategy phrase?? I feel like there should be a tally system or some type of counter in the corner of the screen to simply get a reading on the usage of this phrase. Seriously? Trim the fat?
-One of my ever-standing questions: How much time is there between challenges? I mean, is there an event every day, or do they have like a week off in between them to get blackout drunk every night (ie. long enough for Derek to think Paula is actually "cool" and attractive).
-I love how the beginning of the show started out with an absolute bang. That Katie cracks me up every time. I think we all know now that katie "hates a fucking liar!!" And does anyone have a solid answer as to why she holds her arms behind her back when she's screaming?? I mean, she does this without fail. Its like she is trying to do the "Superman" dance or something (excuse the Soulja Boy reference).
-Is it me, or is MJ looking more and more like Sideshow Bob each day?
-Can we talk about how the veterans blew the 1st mission? I mean, they were honestly trying to be subtle? Danny was running around in circles, and they decided that if they kept yelling at each other at the top of their lungs, it would make the girls think they were working as hard as possible? If I'm gonna blow a mission, I'm gonna do it in style. I'm gonna show up absolutely hammered, rip my shirt off, and challenge TJ Lavin to a BMX-off. Thing is, there will most likely be no bikes available, I'll start calling him "Cowboy", and I have zero clue what a "BMX-off" is. But I digress....
-I never knew that if you think about a nightmare you had over the course of the night before noon, it will come true. Thanks, Paula. The more you know....

-Who is Tori?
-I'm starting to get a real kick out of Kenny and Evan's running joke involving hiding and then popping out of nowhere whenever a clue comes on the sidekick. Its great they are making a complete mockery of this.
-I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if that wheel for the gauntlet was rigged. Yeah, I said it....I mean, the emaciated gay guy who is 100 lbs soaking wet vs Derek in….hmmm….lets see – the PUZZLE challenge. I mean, the dude complained about his FINGERTIPS hurting…I think I saw him wearing a “Live Strong” bracelet on his bicep. How can it even get up there??
Lastly, I'd like to update my top 3 girls and guys:
1. Casey (on a sidenote, is it ok to fall in love with a character on The Gauntlet? now that Kendall is MIA, I have a new love interest)
2. Robin - her boobs aren't getting any smaller, and it seems like she's the only one on the veterans that can actually get a tan
3. Katie - I really enjoy her screaming; its just funny
1a and 1b. Evan and Kenny (see above)
2. Anyone but Frank
3. Anyone but Adam (excluding Frank)
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