Thursday, July 4, 2013

Song of the Summer 2013 (PART TWO)

Part 2 Continued....

D.  Justin Timberlake - Mirrors

-Singalongability: Does anyone actually sing to this song?  I'm not sure...
-Danceability:  I don't exactly consider it entirely danceable....more so enjoyable?
-General Excitement:
-Timing: I think this was released in mid-March.  Can it remain on the radio waves as often as it was? Or are people finally annoyed with hearing the song once every 17 minutes?
Total Score: 2 Uncle Jesse's

E. Psy - Gangnam Style

E.  Mac Miller/Arian Grande - The Way
-Singalongability: Perfect for both the men and the ladies - always love a duet.
-Danceability: I feel like this is a pretty decent song for dancing to, in terms of a slow, seductive dance after drinking too much at a BBQ and trying to hook up with the neighbor before his girlfriend comes back out of the house.
-General Excitement: This song brings me right back to high school.  When this song comes on in the car, the 2000 Corolla is bumping, 190k miles and all.  I feel like I should be cruising the strip at Hampton Beach (NH pride).
-Timing: I think timing is fairly decent on this one...came out a bit later then the rest of the songs.
Total Score: 3.5 Uncle Jesse's

F.  Anything by Taylor Swift.  They all sound the same, and I can see even Lou Ferrigno or Holley Mangold singing it in the shower.

G. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines
-Singalongability: Fairly fun song to at least attempt to sing to....myself not included.  I refuse to acknowledge that Jason Seaver's real-life son is individually famous - he's riding coattails.
-Danceability: I question the number of men who would dance to this song in public, but then again, I question the number of men who would generally dance in public without either A. trying to please a girl, or B. trying to make a fool of themselves in public.
-General Excitement:  Admittedly, I was not buying when my friend Bugman said to put this on my list as a song of the summer nominee, and it's taken a while for me to warm up to it, but I'm game now...
-Timing: Fairly good timing - started out slow a bit before Memorial Day, and is now in full swing.
Total Score: 3 Uncle Jesse's

And the winner?  Pharrell Williams.  I realize this isn't a song, but anyone who is involved in 2 nominee selections for song of the summer, plus took part in the commercial for the new Jay-Z album which annoyingly debuted during the NBA Finals and disclosed absolutely nothing after a whopping 3 minutes, officially "won" the summer of 2013.

Anyone have any other thoughts or disagreements?  Feel free to comment.  And have a happy 4th of July!

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