And without much fanfare (Google Analytics doesn't lie), here are your links of the day for Thursday:
Christmas comes early! Thank God Adam Sandler is producing a sequel to a movie that no one watched in the first place. Pretty much the only thing good about this movie was the fact that it was set in NH.
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Snap bracelets will be back in 2012 |
This is absolutely hysterical to me for some reason - a boyfriend that refuses to give his girlfriend jewelry as a gift, no matter what the cost is. $7 earrings? Tough shit. Snap bracelet? No way in hell. $2,000 diamond bracelet? Sorry. Engagement ring? Laughable. Can someone get me this dude's phone number? I'd like to be friends with him.
Clearly this guy knows what he is doing. Either he is so scared of getting engaged that he never even wants to flirt with the idea of jewelry for fear that she may get the wrong idea, or he is just batshit crazy. Either way, I like it. I have similar odd tendencies I can relate to - for instance, I steadfastly refuse to give a card to someone, no matter what the event (birthday/wedding/anniversary, etc.) if I provide them with a gift in person. I can't understand why anyone would need a card if I'm physically there to tell them the gift is from me, and wish them well - isn't that what a card is for?? I wish I had thought of this jewelry one earlier...
Let me get this straight - in order to get out of debt, the T would need to raise its fees by 60%? Is this the most inefficiently run government organization or what? I guess I don't mind a price hike up to $2.40 for a T ride, though I wold argue that if you're gonna charge NYC Metro-esque fees ($2.25/ride), at least provide NYC Metro-esque amenities. For some reason, that subway system seems to run much more smoothly than Boston subways...and I never thought I would say that. I'm sure everyone has their own Green Line horror story to provide.
4. (via Deadspin)
Do the Green Bay Packers have the most profitable funding scam in the history of scams? Why isn't every professional sports team doing this? $250 gets you no profit whatsoever, no say in Packers matters, and most likely a piece of paper that you can frame and put up on your office wall in downtown Milwaukee. I'm pretty sure if Bernie Madoff read this article, he would have said "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING PLAYING AROUND WITH THAT PONZI BULLSHIT?!"
It took researchers this long to figure out that Captain Crunch with Crunchberries is bad for you?! How many other readers find this stat more shocking than the actual information provided by it? In the interest of full disclosure, I refused to eat my cereal unless my mother actually allowed me to put MORE sugar into it. Sadly, this is not a joke....but they're GRRRRREEEAAAT!
Another tragic shooting at Virginia Tech. What do they put in the water in Blacksburg?? This is sad and ridiculous.
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