So recently I've been utilizing the iPod "Earbud" headphones which were given to me free with my iPod. You know the ones I'm talking about - white, small, and trendy enough to give you the "Hey, I have an iPod" look. I've decided to do this in an effort to become more efficiently
"mobile" after work if I'm not planning on going home. I can't lie to you - although my usual headphones are not those typically found on an air traffic controller, they are a bit bulkier I guess, and as a result, they tend to not fit into my pocket as well as the ipod headphones.
That being said, I have to ask this - who the hell are the people that think these iPod headphones are actually comfortable? First of all, I'm pretty sure that the people sitting next to me on the bus are hearing my music with more clarity than I am. Seriously, how are these things comfortable? I certainly don't pride myself on this, but my ears probably rival those of Dumbo's, and yet I can't seem to fit these damn things into them. Are there classes available on this? Are my "ear holes" (clearly I'm a doctor) smaller than those of normal people? What the hell is going on here?
Does anyone know of more comfortable headphones? In the meantime, I'll grin and bear it, wear them when I have to, and subject people who may have happened to get too close to me to easy listening hits such as "No Easy Way Out" by Robert Tepper (off the Rocky IV soundtrack....you had to ask?)